Parent/Child Expectations
Consistent attendance at FSD is vital for your child to improve and achieve the goals set by our Specialist Teacher.
Your child has to WANT to come to our provision, to look forward to learning with us, be prepared to work hard, and to take on board the strategies and techniques taught by our staff - strategies and techniques we are passionate about.

You will receive regular updates on your child’s learning with us, via Class Dojo, our online communication resource. We encourage two-way communication between us, yourselves and your child's mainstream school.
How do I access FSD?
In the new DFE 'Working Together to Improve School Attendance' Guidance, DFE accept that "all schools can allow pupils to be absent from the school site for certain educational activities or attend other schools or settings" under Code B. In accordance with the following criteria:
307. The pupil is attending a place for an approved educational activity that is not a sporting activity or work experience. The educational activity must take place during the session for which it is recorded.
308. A pupil can only be recorded as attending a place for an approved educational activity if:
• the place is somewhere other than the school, another school where the pupil is registered, or a place where educational provision has been arranged for the pupil by a local authority under section 19(1) of the Education Act 1996 or sections 42(2) or 61(1) of the Children and Families Act 2014;
FSD runs at Ofsted approved, childcare venues.
• the activity is of an educational nature;
All activities at FSD are educational, evidence-based practice for SpLD Dyslexia and related learning difficulties.
• the school has approved the pupil’s attendance at the place for the activity;
Headteacher approval for attendance at FSD is always sought.
• the activity is supervised by a person considered by the school to have the appropriate skills, training, experience and knowledge to ensure that the activity takes place safely and fulfils the educational purpose for which the pupil’s attendance has been approved.
FSD benefits from a high-level of trained staff & experience. We have many testimonials from Headteachers, SENCo’s and other professionals to back the professionalism and expertise of FSD Staff.
309. Schools must also record the nature of the approved educational activity (regulation 10(5)), examples are:
• attending taster days at other schools;
• attending courses at college;
• attending unregistered alternative provision arranged by the school.
FSD informs schools about any absence and mainstream schools record this on their Registers. If pupils are present at FSD, Code B is used.
310. Schools have responsibilities for the safeguarding and welfare of pupils attending an approved educational activity. The school will need to be satisfied that appropriate measures have been taken to safeguard the pupil. Schools should ensure that they have in place arrangements whereby the provider of the educational activity notifies the school of any absences by the pupil. The school must record the pupil’s absence using the relevant absence code.
FSD always provides a comprehensive safeguarding pack to all schools and accommodates visits from our partnership schools for safeguarding purposes. We have also assisted many schools with Ofsted Inspections and have spoken directly with Ofsted Inspectors who have been supportive and impressed with the FSD option for pupils.
311. As set out in the DfE’s guidance on ‘Providing remote education’. pupils who are absent from school and receiving remote education still need to be recorded as absent using the most appropriate absence code. Schools should keep a record of, and monitor pupil’s engagement with remote education, but this is not formally tracked in the attendance register.
312. This code is classified for statistical purposes as attending an approved educational activity.
The overall responsibility for a child’s education lies with the parent and section 9 of the Education Act 1996 contains the principle that children should be educated in accordance with the wishes of their parents. Under section 7 of the Education Act...The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient full-time education suitable:-
(a) to his age, ability and aptitude, and
(b) to any special educational needs he may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.
FSD place children's safeguarding needs as a paramount priority and always ensure the safety and the welfare of all pupils whilst attending FSD.
FSD will work with schools to ensure they satisfy any statutory attendance reporting, along with regular reports on pupils progress. Matt Algar is the Designated Safeguarding Officer for FSD and is happy to meet with schools to ensure all policy and procedures are in line with schools expectations when one of their pupils access educational activities at FSD.
To request more information, contact Matt or Lucy on:-
Tel: 07588 856544
Email: lucy@flexi-schooldyslexia.co.uk
Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
You can also request more information with this form: